
New Wave Mental Maths E

Price: $ 14.95
  • Description

Make mental maths practice the highlight of every day with New wave mental maths! The perfect tool to consolidate and reinforce student learning, this fantastic series has been comprehensively revised to take into account the requirements of the Australian Curriculum. With fun and colourfully illustrated daily questions to complete as well as dedicated problem-solving questions for Monday to Thursday, this resource is the ideal platform for the development of mental skills and mathematical concepts.

Save even more time with the New wave mental maths online portal for teachers. From a way to quickly correct the answers, elevate the Friday assessment, and review concepts while staying engaged within the program – we have taken all of your suggestions and more. Get a complimentary access with a class set purchase!

Revised edition, released October 2017 features:
a structured daily mental maths program for the whole school year
coverage of all strand and content descriptions applicable to mental maths
daily problem-solving questions covering all three strands incorporate real-life maths contexts and situations
increases students’ understanding, knowledge, reasoning, problem-solving, fluency and the application of their learning
provides a variety of mental problems in a number of contexts in all Australian Curriculum Mathematics strands
includes teacher assessments of students’ learning progress by separating the maths strands in the Friday review
focuses on accuracy and fluency in basic computational skills
sequential development of mathematical concepts and vocabulary, and opportunities for weekly assessment and monitoring of student progress with the Friday review
comprehensive coverage and consolidation of mental mathematics concepts
uses visualisation to enhance learning
uses real-world maths application of knowledge and reasoning
has attention-grabbing graphics that make maths fun
Friday review now easier to access with questions colour-coded for each strand. Great for the student and great for teacher marking and evaluating the student’s knowledge
Daily problem-solving questions covering all three Australian Curriculum Mathematics strands
Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability
STEM mathematical context
daily revision of already-taught maths concepts

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  • Address: 147 Macleod St, Bairnsdale, VIC 3875
  • Phone: (03) 5152 4086
  • Website: http://www.schoolworkssupplies.com.au
  • Email: charlotte@schoolworkssupplies.com.au

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